Batter Blaster is my new, favorite product. What a great idea!! Pancake mix in a can. It's also organic and not terribly fattening (that is in it's pre-butter and maple syrup form).
For those days that you don't want to muss up the kitchen making pancake batter from scratch and/or don't have the time, Batter Blaster is the perfect solution. It can also be cooked up in a waffle iron. Heat up the griddle add a touch of oil and voila, a delicious breakfast in moments.
As for taste, I think it's darned good. Per the website, it looks like the creator (a San Franciscan who had trouble getting his product launched) is working on flavored batters.
You can find Batter Blaster at Mollie Stones, Whole Foods and now at Costco for serious stocking up.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Batter Blaster -A great way to start your Day!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Build It Green
Are you thinking about making improvements to your home? Perhaps, you have a smallish project such as a bath or kitchen remodel?
Or, if you have an 80+ year old home like mine which has had minimal updating, a full face lift may be in order-then it's a matter of deciding whether to go the piece meal, room by room approach which may be more expensive in the long run but more economically feasible in the short run vs. the full on move into a rental to implement a complete top to bottom remodel.
Either way, spend the time up front to determine what products and finishes you want to incorporate into your project & come up with a master plan (which is subject to change as you move through your projects and as you live in your home using the existing space).
Research, research, research!!! The more informed you are about the project and what final result you'd like, the easier it will be to communicate your goals to your general contractor & designer. Your homework will result in a project that should be finished on time and with minimal surprises. Nothing adds up to project overages & delays more quickly than job changes after a project has started.
If you want to incorporate elements of green design & energy efficiency, seek out a professional who has experience in this field which is becoming more mainstream and in demand. Build It Green has a resource list of certified professionals.
A great store for environmentally friendly products is:
Eco Design Resources. Additional green resources can be found at my website under the "Bower Power Team" link.
There is also a plethora of design & renovation books available. A few of my favorites are: The Kitchen Idea Book, Good House Parts, & The Not So Big House.
If you have any concerns about over improving for your neighborhood or making the design too personalized or unique, consult with your Realtor for a second opinion on resale value & marketability. This becomes even more important if you are thinking of making a potential move within 3-5 years after project completion.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Is a Paperless Real Estate Transaction Possible?
It's unfortunate that in our electronic age we actually use more paper now than ever. Our paper consumption has apparently doubled in the last 10 years.
One industry where there is tremendous paper use is the real estate industry. For example, condo sales (which are usually the most paper intensive sale due to the 2-3 inch thick HOA documents) can have a range of 300-500 pages in a disclosure packet. Multiply that by the number of hard copies that go out to agents & potential buyers and we're talking several dozen pounds of paper!!
It doesn't have to be this way. The industry is slowly transitioning over to less paper intensive methods including online disclosures and various levels of a paperless transaction.
Online disclosures are great since they can be emailed to clients. These pdf files also make it easier to locate specific items of interest through a key word search. I rarely print disclosures, but rather read through them online with my clients who then electronically sign that they've read and approved specific documents. I then organize my files on my hard drive within a client folder. I also have two off- site back up systems since computers will and do crash.
Through the technology that I work with: electronic signature, efax, and pdf'ing of documents, clients are able to read and sign the numerous documents & reports associated with a purchase or sale with minimal interruptions to their work and/or travel schedule. There is also a higher level of security due to password protection and not having to schlep around pounds of sensitive documents which have the potential to be misplaced. Lastly, there is the piece of mind in knowing that I'm playing a small part in reducing paper usage.
The paperless transaction is also moving into the escrow & lending segments of a transaction.
Of course, all this great technology can't be utilized by the rare individuals who don't have a computer, then it's back to the traditional methods of hard copies.
Here are a few more tips on going paperless.
Make it a great electronic day!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Higher Conforming Loan Limits in the Works!
It was promising news last week with President Bush signing the new economic package. A feature of the package includes raising the conforming loan limits to $729,750 which would more accurately reflect the cost of housing in California. Currently, conforming loans are at $417,000 which doesn't benefit many Bay Area buyers when our median home prices range from the high $700's to low $800's.
Therefore, most buyers are forced into more expensive non-conforming jumbo loans, decreasing homeownership opportunities for many. Jumbo loans carry ~1% higher interest rate then conforming loans. The new limits will also provide some home owners new opportunities to get into a lower interest rate loan, thereby lowering their monthly payments.
It may not be until late spring when Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae have their systems in place to start processing applications under the new loan limits. Meanwhile, there are buying opportunities out there depending on price point and location. There are also some lenders who are charging no pre-payment penalties or fees to refinance into a new conforming loan if a buyer is currently in the process of making a purchase. Feel free to contact me if you'd like a referral to a loan consultant.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Cheese has never tasted better!!

Considering how expensive cheese can be (& how delicious!), a product that will make it last longer it a good thing! Formaticum is a great and relatively inexpensive wrap . I wish I had know about it years ago since we've probably thrown out a small fortune in spoiled cheese.
Available online or at Whole Foods.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
TIC Fractionalized Loans Have a Great Track Record!!
It's refreshing to hear positive reports from one segment of the mortgage industry. Fractionalized TIC loans offered by just a few lenders, have an excellent track record of on-time payments and no foreclosures! A recent SF Gate article: Tenancy-in-common fractionalized loans weather the mortgage storm.
TIC fractionalized loans are relatively new as of the last 4-5 years. The appeal is this loan product offers less risk to a buyer who is purchasing into a TIC property. Traditionally, a group of say, three buyers purchasing a three unit property would all be under the same loan. As you can imagine, if one of the three partners defaults on payments, the other two partners are on the hook.
Then along came the fractionalized loan, which operates somewhat like a conventional loan. The drawback is that TIC loans can be a percentage+ higher than conventional financing. But, TIC's even with their risks, are usually a more affordable option than condos or single family homes. It's a foot in the door of San Francisco's extremely expensive real estate market.
What's impressive, is that this segment of the lending industry, due to their stringent lending standards (generally a 20% down minimum to buyers with solid credit scores & verified income), is doing extremely well and bypassing the mortgage meltdown woes.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Beauty of Marmoleum
I LOVE this product!! One of the great perks that comes with home ownership is the ability to customize one's home. As a 15+ year property owner/investor, I've had the chance to try out a few flooring products.
Marmoleum hands down is my favorite for easy clean up, durability, and scratch resistance. It's held up extremely well to a busy household which includes 2 dogs and 2 cats. There is one scratch in the surface and that was caused by me being clumsy with a cabinet one hour post-installation (uuughhh!!). Otherwise, it's been scratch free for 18 months.
Not only is the scratch resistance impressive, but Marmoleum is really comfortable to stand on for long periods of time (for those serious chefs!) since there is a layer of cork under each tile . This product is also an easy install for the do-it-yourselfer (I installed it myself with a few basic tools). Lastly, you can't beat the reasonable price (~$4.50-5.50sf), the great colors and it's environmentally friendly to boot!
Give it a try for your next project-you won't be disappointed!
What and where is EABU?
EABU is our cool little spot in Eastern Burlingame, or as some of my friends like to call it, Barely Burlingame. Burlingame is one of those towns where there is no "wrong side of the tracks"; where fixers/updaters on the east side are selling in the mid-$800's on up, the streets are clean, neighbors are friendly, homes are well kept, and there is charm galore!
EABU is adjacent to a small sliver of San Mateo, which starts North of Peninsula Avenue, sitting between Highway 101 & Humboldt.
Our San Mateo neighbors include the famous Nini's Coffee Shop at 1000 N. Idaho, Anna's of San Francisco at 1001 Howard St. (it's so nice to have a bit of S.F. history on the Penin), Hot Wok Bistro at 1012A Howard St. (a new Chinese restaurant which is quite good!), and a mix of commercial/industrial businesses on the frontage road.
Travel a bit further to the East and we have the fantastic Coyote Point recreation area, which has a bit of everything including a museum, a marina, and world class windsurfing and kite surfing. My 2008 goal is to transition out of windsurfing and into kite surfing.
Travel North East & there is the much needed and necessary Burlingame Dog Park where I set loose our 10 month old, Border Collie/Whippet mix who is wired and built for speed. Our alternative parks include Washington Park at 850 Burlingame Avenue and Victoria Park at 30 Howard Avenue.
So, this is EABU. Our cool little corner, with good freeway access (S.F. is a quick 15-20 minutes without traffic), great outdoor recreation opportunities and good eats. We decided we'd take the lead as so many cities have and give our 'hood it's own abbreviated name. We have it pretty good in EABU.
Thanks for visiting and make it a great day!!