Sunday, February 24, 2008

Batter Blaster -A great way to start your Day!

Batter Blaster is my new, favorite product. What a great idea!! Pancake mix in a can. It's also organic and not terribly fattening (that is in it's pre-butter and maple syrup form).

For those days that you don't want to muss up the kitchen making pancake batter from scratch and/or don't have the time, Batter Blaster is the perfect solution. It can also be cooked up in a waffle iron. Heat up the griddle add a touch of oil and voila, a delicious breakfast in moments.

As for taste, I think it's darned good. Per the website, it looks like the creator (a San Franciscan who had trouble getting his product launched) is working on flavored batters.

You can find Batter Blaster at Mollie Stones, Whole Foods and now at Costco for serious stocking up.


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